1.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. Village de Gournah : "La muse et le buffle" / Luxor, west bank. Gorna village: "the muse and the buffalo"
2.jpg "Blancheur nubienne", région d'Assouan / "Nubian whiteness", Aswan region
3.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. Village de Gournah, "la citerne d'eau" / Luxor, west bank. Gorna village: "the water tank"
4.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. "Les deux palmiers" / Luxor, west bank. "The two palm trees"
5.jpg Louxor, rive ouest, "La robe de mariée" / Luxor, west bank. "The wedding dress"
6.jpg "Voile solitaire", Assouan / "Lonely sail", Aswan
7.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. "Le jeux d'osselets" / Luxor, west bank. "The knucklebone game"
8.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. "Frou-frou" / Luxor, west bank. "Rustling"
9.jpg "Symétrie sur le lac Nasser" / "Symmetry over the Nasser lake"
10.jpg Paysage dans la région d'Abydos 1 / Landscape in the Abydos region 1
11.jpg Paysage dans la région d'Abydos 2 / Landscape in the Abydos region 2
12.jpg L'étoile et le Nil / The star and the Nile
13.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. "Le sourire" / Luxor, west bank. "The smile"
14.jpg Louxor, rive est. Piscine du Novotel : "La robe, la bague, les boucles d'oreilles et le chouchou" / Luxor, east bank: "The dress, the ring, the earrings and the scrunchy" from the Novotel swimming pool
15.jpg Paysage dans la région d'Abydos / Landscape in the Abydos region
16.jpg Assouan, Old Cataract, dessous de verre, room 135 / Aswan, Old Cataract drink coaster in room 135
17.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. "Le sourire" / Luxor west bank. "The smile"
18.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. "Le sourire en contre-jour" / Luxor, west bank. "The smile against the light"
19.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. "La bague" / Luxor, west bank. "The ring"
20.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. "Vers la maison" / Luxor, west bank. "Going home"
21.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. "Le passant et le temple de Ramses III" / Luxor, west bank. "The passer-by and the temple of Ramses III"
22.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. Épave surplombant le village de Gournah / Luxor, west bank. Car wreck overlooking Gorna village
23.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. "La porte dans la montagne" / Luxor, west bank. "The door in the mountain"
24.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Torsion" / Luxor, east bank. "Twisted sail" from a felucca
25.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Voiles en perspective" / Luxor, east bank. "Sails in perspective"
26.jpg Assouan." La voile et la barque" / Aswan. "The sail and the boat"
27.jpg Louxor. Coucher de soleil vu de la rive est / Luxor. Sunset from the east bank
28.jpg Darau, région d'Assouan. Marchands de chameaux 1 / Darau, Aswan region. Camel traders 1
29.jpg Darau, région d'Assouan. Marchands de chameaux 2 / Darau, Aswan region. Camel traders 2
30.jpg Darau, région d'Assouan. Marchands de chameaux 3 / Darau, Aswan region. Camel traders 3
31.jpg Darau, région d'Assouan. Marchands de chameaux 4 / Darau, Aswan region. Camel traders 4
32.jpg Louxor, rive est. "En attendant le ferry" / Luxor. "Waiting for the ferry" from the east bank
33.jpg Louxor. Portrait en contre-plongée de la rive ouest / Luxor. Low angle portrait from the east bank
34.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. Portrait / Luxor, west bank. Portrait
35.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. Portrait / Luxor, west bank. Portrait
36.jpg Louxor, rive est. Portrait / Luxor, east bank. Portrait
37.jpg Louxor, rive est. Portrait / Luxor, east bank. Portrait
38.jpg Louxor, rive est. Portrait / Luxor, east bank. Portrait
39.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. Portrait / Luxor, west bank. Portrait
40.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. "Pause" / Luxor, west bank. "Break time"
41.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Camera obscura 1" / Luxor, east bank. "Camera obscura 1"
42.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Camera obscura 2" / Luxor, east bank. "Camera obscura 2"
43.jpg Louxor, rive est. Conducteur de calèche / Luxor, east bank. Caleche driver
44.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. "À proximité du temple de Ramses III" / Luxor, west bank. "Near the temple of Ramses III"
45.jpg Cyclistes saisis devant le Temple de Denderah / Bikers caught riding along the temple of Denderah
46.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Vers le ferry" / Luxor, east bank. "Going to the ferry"
47.jpg Louxor, rive est. Corniche El Nile / Luxor, east bank. On the road that runs along the river
48.jpg Louxor, rive est. Point de vue d'un restaurant / Luxor, east bank. View from a restaurant
49.jpg Louxor, rive est. Point de vue d'un restaurant / Luxor, east bank. View from a restaurant
50.jpg Louxor, rive est. Corniche El Nile / Luxor, east bank. On the road that runs along the river
51.jpg Village de Garagos, région de Louxor / Garagos village, Luxor region
52.jpg Louxor, rive ouest / Luxor, west bank
53.jpg Assouan, village nubien, "Décalages" / Aswan, Nubian village, "Gaps"
54.jpg Assouan, rive ouest, village nubien. Portrait / Aswan, west bank, Nubian village, Portrait
55.jpg Assouan, village nubien. "Jeux" / Aswan, Nubian village. "Games"
56.jpg Louxor, rive ouest, “Vers la vallée des Reines” / Luxor, west bank, “Heading for the valley of the Queens”
57.jpg Village dans les environs de Louxor / Village in the Luxor region
58.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. "En famille" / Luxor, west bank. "With the family".
59.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. "Le walkman" / Luxor, west bank. "The walkman"
60.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. "La danse et le sourire" / Luxor, west bank. "The dance and the smile"
61.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. "Frou-frou" / Luxor, west bank. "Rustling"
62.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. "La robe de mariée" / Luxor, west bank. "The wedding dress"
63.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. "La muse et la statue" / Luxor, west bank. "The muse and the statue"
64.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. "La citerne d'eau et les deux enfants" / Luxor, west bank. "The water tank and the two children"
65.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. "En famille" / Luxor, west bank. "With the family"
66.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Scène de marché" / Luxor, east bank. "Market scene"
67.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Ne pas rater le ferry" / Luxor, east bank. "Boarding the ferry"
68.jpg Louxor, rive est. Scène de marché 1 / Luxor, east bank. Market scene 1
69.jpg Louxor, rive est. Scène de marché 2 / Luxor, east bank. Market scene 2
70.jpg Louxor, rive est. Scène de marché 3 / Luxor, east bank. Market scene 3
71.jpg Louxor, rive est. Scène de marché 4 / Luxor, east bank. Market scene 4
72.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. Nouveau village de Gournah / Luxor, west bank. new Gorna village
73.jpg Louxor, rive est. Portrait dans le marché / Luxor, east bank. Portrait in the market
74.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. Portrait dans le village d'El Barat / Luxor, west bank. Portrait in El Barat village
75.jpg Assouan, rive ouest. Portrait dans un village nubien / Aswan, west bank. Portrait in a Nubian village
76.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. "Felouques en perspective" / Luxor, west bank. "Feluccas cruising the Nile"
77.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. "Felouques au crépuscule de la piscine du Novotel" / Luxor, west bank. "Feluccas at sunset from the Novotel swimming pool"
78.jpg Temple de Denderah / Denderah temple
79.jpg Temple de Louxor / Luxor temple
80.jpg Temple de Louxor / Luxor temple
81.jpg Asouan. Felouques / Aswan. Feluccas
82.jpg Louxor, rive est. Conducteur de calèche / Luxor, east bank. Caleche driver
83.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. "Joies" / Luxor, west bank. "Happiness"
84.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Ballade en felouque" / Luxor, east bank. "Felucca ride"
85.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. "Colliers à vendre" / Luxor, west bank. "Necklaces for sale"
86.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Marguerites dans les jardins du Old Winter Palace" / Luxor, east bank. "Daisies in the Old Winter Palace gardens"
87.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. Village de Gournah / Luxor, west bank. Gorna village
88.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. Nouveau village de Gournah “Sioul” / Luxor, west bank. New Gorna village aka “Sioul”
89.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Le dormeur du temple" / Luxor, east bank. "The sleeper in the temple"
90.jpg Temple de Louxor 1 / Luxor temple 1
91.jpg Temple de Louxor 2 / Luxor temple 2
92.jpg Temple de Louxor 3 / Luxor temple 3
93.jpg Temple de Louxor 4 / Luxor temple 4
94.jpg Temple de Louxor 5 / Luxor temple 5
95.jpg Temple de Louxor 6 / Luxor temple 6
96.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. Ramesseum, Temple de Ramses II / Luxor west bank, Ramesseum, temple of Ramses II
97.jpg Louxor. "Statue éloignée", temple de Karnak / Luxor. "Remote statue", Karnak temple
98.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. "La muse et les dunes" / Luxor west bank. "The muse and the dunes"
99.jpg Village de Shanour, région de Qena 1 / Shanour village, Qena region 1
100.jpg Village de Shanour, région de Qena 2 / Shanour village, Qena region 2
101.jpg Village de Shanour, région de Qena 3 / Shanour village, Qena region 3
102.jpg Village de Shanour, région de Qena 4 / Shanour village, Qena region 4
103.jpg Village de Shanour, région de Qena 5 / Shanour village, Qena region 5
104.jpg Village de Shanour, région de Qena 6 / Shanour village, Qena region 6
105.jpg Louxor, rive ouest, près du temple de Ramses IIII / Luxor, west bank, near the ticket office
106.jpg Louxor, rive ouest, près du temple de Ramses IIII / Luxor, west bank, near the ticket office
107.jpg Louxor, rive est, dans le marché / Luxor, east bank, in the market
108.jpg Louxor, rive est, dans le marché / Luxor, east bank, in the market
109.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. Portrait d’un vendeur d’albâtre / Luxor, west bank. Portrait of an alabaster trader
110.jpg Louxor, rive est. À proximité du café Oum Khalsoum "/ Luxor, east bank . Near the Oum Kalsoum café
111.jpg Louxor, rive est / Luxor, east bank along Corniche El Nile
112.jpg Louxor, rive est, ”L’artiste et le portrait dessiné” / Luxor, east bank “The artist and the portrait being painted”
113.jpg Assouan, rive ouest, ”En famille” / Aswan, west bank “With the family”
114.jpg Assouan, rive ouest, ”Nubienne avec parure” / Aswan, west bank “Nubian girl with jewels”
115.jpg Assouan, rive ouest, ”L’offrande” / Aswan, west bank “The offering”
116.jpg Louxor, rive ouest, “En famille” / Luxor, west bank, “With the family”
117.jpg Louxor, rive ouest, “Felouques en perspective” / Luxor, west bank, “Feluccas in perspective”
118.jpg Louxor, rive ouest, portrait le long du Nil / Luxor, west bank, portrait along the Nile
119.jpg Louxor, rive ouest, portrait en contre-plongée et dans le vent le long de Cornish El Nile / Luxor, west bank, low angle in the wind portrait along Cornish El Nile
120.jpg Louxor, rive ouest, portrait le long du Nil / Luxor, west bank, portrait along the Nile
121.jpg Louxor, rive est, portraits de fillettes sur l’embarcadère du ferry / Luxor, east bank, portrait of young girls on the ferry landing stage
122.jpg Dans un petit village près de Louxor 1 / In a small village near Luxor 1
123.jpg Dans un petit village près de Louxor 2 / In a small village near Luxor 2
124.jpg Dans un petit village près de Louxor 3 / In a small village near Luxor 3
125.jpg Dans un petit village près de Louxor 4 / In a small village near Luxor 4
126.jpg Dans un petit village près de Louxor 5 / In a small village near Luxor 5
127.jpg Dans un petit village près de Louxor 6 / In a small village near Luxor 6
128.jpg Assouan. "La prière sur une île" / Aswan. "Praying on a island"
129.jpg Louxor, rive est. Sur l’embarcadère du ferry / Luxor, east bank. Boarding the ferry
130.jpg Louxor,, rive est. Point de vue sur le Nil d’un bateau moteur / Luxor, east bank. Viewpoint from a motorboat
131.jpg Louxor, rive est. Felouques au crépuscule / Luxor, east bank. Feluccas at sunset
132.jpg Louxor. De l’est vers l’ouest / Luxor. From east to west
133.jpg Louxor, rive est. Le passant / Luxor, east bank. The passer-by
134.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Quatre points de vue" / Luxor, east bank. "Four viewpoints"
135.jpg Louxor, rive est. Le camelot / Luxor, east bank. The ferry peddler
136.jpg Assouan, rive ouest. Paysage 1 / Aswan, west bank. Landscape 1
137.jpg Assouan, rive ouest. Paysage 2 / Aswan, west bank. Landscape 2
138.jpg Assouan, rive ouest. Paysage 3 / Aswan, west bank. Landscape 3
139.jpg Assouan, rive ouest. Paysage 4 / Aswan, west bank. Landscape 4
140.jpg Assouan, rive ouest. Paysage 5 / Aswan, west bank. Landscape 5
141.jpg Assouan, rive ouest. Paysage 6 / Aswan, west bank. Landscape 6
142.jpg Louxor, rive ouest, “Sur la route de la vallée des reines” / Luxor, west bank, “On the road leading towards the valley of the queens”
143.jpg Louxor, rive est. Sortie d’école / Luxor, east bank. School’s out
144.jpg Louxor, rive est. Au marché à bestiaux 1 / Luxor, east bank. In a cattle market 1
145.jpg Louxor, rive est. Au marché à bestiaux 2 / Luxor, east bank. In a cattle market 2
146.jpg Louxor, rive est. Piscine du Winter palace / Luxor, east bank. Winter palace swimming pool
147.jpg Louxor, rive est. Dans un des salons du Winter palace / Luxor, east bank. In a lounge of the Winter palace
148.jpg Louxor, rive est. L’une des anciennes résidences du prince Farouk / Luxor, east bank. One of the former residences of prince Farouk
149.jpg Louxor, rive est. Une terrasse du Winter palace / Luxor, east bank. On a terrace of the Winter palace
150.jpg Louxor, rive est. Piscine du Winter palace / Luxor, east bank. Winter palace swimming pool
151.jpg Louxor, rive est. Calèche filant le long de l’avenue qui longe le Nil / Luxor, east bank. Flying caleche along Cornish El Nile
152.jpg Louxor, rive est. Une rue marchande / Luxor, east bank. A busy street
153.jpg Louxor, rive est. Un passant le long du temple de Louxor / Luxor, east bank. A passer-by along the Luxor temple
154.jpg Louxor, rive est. Une passante à proximité du Winter palace / Luxor, east bank. A passer-by near the Winter palace
155.jpg Louxor, rive est. Camera obscura 3. " Le photographe est-il tombé dans le trou ? " / Luxor, east bank. Camera obscura 3. " Has the photographer fallen into the sewer hole? "
156.jpg Louxor, rive est. Vue de la piscine de l'hôtel Emilio / Luxor east bank. View from the New Emilio hotel swimming pool
157.jpg Louxor, rive est. Vue des toits d’un des hôtels le long de Cornish El Nile / Luxor east bank. View from one of the hotels along Cornish El Nile
158.jpg Louxor, rive est. Vue de la piscine de l'hôtel Emilio / Luxor east bank. View from the New Emilio hotel swimming pool
159.jpg Louxor, rive est. Vue d'un minaret 1 / Luxor east bank. View from a minaret 1
160.jpg Louxor, rive est. Vue d'un minaret 2 / Luxor east bank. View from a minaret 2
161.jpg Louxor, rive est. Confection de patisseries pour le Ramadan / Luxor east bank. Making sweets for Ramadan
162.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Festivités pour “la grande fête”, l’Aid-el-kebir” 1 / Luxor east bank. "Celebrations for the great feast aka l’Aid-el-kebir 1 "
163.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Festivités pour “la grande fête”, l’Aid-el-kebir” 2 / Luxor east bank. "Celebrations for the great feast aka l’Aid-el-kebir 2 "
164.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Festivités pour “la grande fête”, l’Aid-el-kebir” 3 / Luxor east bank. "Celebrations for the great feast aka l’Aid-el-kebir 3 "
165.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Festivités pour “la grande fête”, l’Aid-el-kebir” 4 / Luxor east bank. "Celebrations for the great feast aka l’Aid-el-kebir 4 "
166.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Festivités pour “la grande fête”, l’Aid-el-kebir” 5 / Luxor east bank. "Celebrations for the great feast aka l’Aid-el-kebir 5 "
167.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Festivités pour “la grande fête”, l’Aid-el-kebir” 6 / Luxor east bank. "Celebrations for the great feast aka l’Aid-el-kebir 6 "
168.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Festivités pour “la grande fête”, l’Aid-el-kebir” 7 / Luxor east bank. "Celebrations for the great feast aka l’Aid-el-kebir 7 "
169.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Festivités pour “la grande fête”, l’Aid-el-kebir” 8 / Luxor east bank. "Celebrations for the great feast aka l’Aid-el-kebir 8 "
170.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Festivités pour “la grande fête”, l’Aid-el-kebir” 9 / Luxor east bank. "Celebrations for the great feast aka l’Aid-el-kebir 9 "
171.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Festivités pour “la grande fête”, l’Aid-el-kebir” 10 / Luxor east bank. "Celebrations for the great feast aka l’Aid-el-kebir 10 "
172.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Festivités pour “la grande fête”, l’Aid-el-kebir” 11 / Luxor east bank. "Celebrations for the great feast aka l’Aid-el-kebir 11 "
173.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Festivités pour “la grande fête”, l’Aid-el-kebir” 12 / Luxor east bank. "Celebrations for the great feast aka l’Aid-el-kebir 12 "
174.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Festivités pour “la grande fête”, l’Aid-el-kebir” 13 / Luxor east bank. "Celebrations for the great feast aka l’Aid-el-kebir 13 "
175.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Festivités pour “la grande fête”, l’Aid-el-kebir” 14 / Luxor east bank. "Celebrations for the great feast aka l’Aid-el-kebir 14 "
176.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Festivités pour “la grande fête”, l’Aid-el-kebir” 15 / Luxor east bank. "Celebrations for the great feast aka l’Aid-el-kebir 15 "
177.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Festivités pour “la grande fête”, l’Aid-el-kebir” 16 / Luxor east bank. "Celebrations for the great feast aka l’Aid-el-kebir 16 "
178.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Festivités pour “la grande fête”, l’Aid-el-kebir” 17 / Luxor east bank. "Celebrations for the great feast aka l’Aid-el-kebir 17 "
179.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Festivités pour “la grande fête”, l’Aid-el-kebir” 18 / Luxor east bank. "Celebrations for the great feast aka l’Aid-el-kebir 18 "
180.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Festivités pour “la grande fête”, l’Aid-el-kebir” 19 / Luxor east bank. "Celebrations for the great feast aka l’Aid-el-kebir 19 "
181.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Festivités pour “la grande fête”, l’Aid-el-kebir” 20 / Luxor east bank. "Celebrations for the great feast aka l’Aid-el-kebir 20 "
182.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Festivités pour “la grande fête”, l’Aid-el-kebir” 21 / Luxor east bank. "Celebrations for the great feast aka l’Aid-el-kebir 21 "
183.jpg Louxor, rive est. "Le cantonnier et son assistant" / Luxor east bank. "The roadman and his assistant"
184.jpg Sur la route vers Esna 1 / On the road leading to Esna 1
185.jpg Sur la route vers Esna 2 / On the road leading to Esna 2
186.jpg Sur la route vers Esna 3 / On the road leading to Esna 3
187.jpg Épave vers le village de Gournah, Louxor rive ouest / Car wreck on the way to Gorna village, Luxor west bank
188.jpg Scène dans un marché de Louxor, rive est 1 / Market scene in Luxor east bank 1
189.jpg Scène dans un marché de Louxor, rive est 2 / Market scene in Luxor east bank 2
190.jpg Scène de rue à Louxor, rive est / Street scene in Luxor east bank
191.jpg Temple de Louxor / Luxor temple
192.jpg Temple de Karnak / Karnak temple
193.jpg Temple de Louxor / Luxor temple
194.jpg Temple de Louxor / Luxor temple
195.jpg les gardiens du temple de Louxor / Luxor temple. The keepers
196.jpg Maison nubienne, région d’Assouan / Nubian house, Aswan region
197.jpg Village dans la région d’Abydos en fin de journée / Village in the Abydos region just before sunset
198.jpg La traversée du Nil à Louxor, en fin de journée sur le pont supérieur du ferry / Crossing the Nile in Luxor before sunset on the upper deck of the national ferry
199.jpg "Deux points de vue sur le fleuve", Louxor / "Two viewpoints on the river", Luxor
200.jpg Felouque vue de la terrasse du Old Cataract / Felucca sailing away from the terrace of the Old Cataract
201.jpg Vue de l’île Élephantine, Assouan / Viewpoint from Elephantine island
202.jpg Le mausolée Aga Khan vu d’une felouque, Assouan / The Aga Khan mausoleum seen from a felucca, Aswan
203.jpg Les montagnes de la vallée des Rois vues de la rive est de Louxor / The valley of the kings mountains seen from Luxor east bank
204.jpg Louxor, rive est. Scène typique sur l’embarcadère du ferry / Luxor, east bank. Typical scene on the ferry landing stage
205.jpg Louxor, rive est. Les marchands de textile / Luxor, east bank. Textile traders
206.jpg Louxor, contrejour dans une rue marchande 1 / Luxor, against light picture in a busy street 1
207.jpg Louxor, contrejour dans une rue marchande 2 / Luxor, against light picture in a busy street 2
208.jpg Village dans la région d’Abydos en fin de journée / Village in the Abydos region just before sunset
209.jpg "La ronde", Louxor rive ouest / "The round dance", Luxor east bank
210.jpg Sur les marches du Winter palace "la photo de mode" / On the Winter palace carpeted steps, "the fashion shot"
211.jpg Sur les marches du Winter palace / On the Winter palace carpeted steps
212.jpg Sur les marches du Winter palace / On the Winter palace carpeted steps
213.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. "La muse et la statue" 2 / Luxor, west bank. "The muse and the statue" 2
214.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. Village de Gournah / Luxor, west bank. Gorna village
215.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. Village de Gournah / Luxor, west bank. Gorna village
216.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. Village de Gournah / Luxor, west bank. Gorna village
217.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. Village de Gournah, “premières photos” / Luxor, west bank. Gorna village “first pictures”
218.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. Village de Gournah / Luxor, west bank. Gorna village
219.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. Village de Gournah, “la chaussure” / Luxor, west bank. Gorna village “the shoe”
220.jpg "En visite à Louxor avec une amie" Louxor, rive est / Visiting Luxor with a friend, Luxor, east bank
221.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. Village de Gournah, “premières photos” / Luxor, west bank. Gorna village “first pictures”
222.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. Village de Gournah, “premières photos” / Luxor, west bank. Gorna village “first pictures”
223.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. Village de Gournah, “premières photos” / Luxor, west bank. Gorna village “first pictures”
224.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. Village de Gournah, "premières photos” / Luxor, west bank. Gorna village “first pictures”
225.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. Village de Gournah, "premières photos” / Luxor, west bank. Gorna village “first pictures”
226.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. Village de Gournah, “la chaussure” / Luxor, west bank. Gorna village “the shoe”
227.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. Village de Gournah, “premières photos” / Luxor, west bank. Gorna village “first pictures”
228.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. Village de Gournah “La robe de mariée” / Luxor, west bank. Gorna village “The wedding dress”
229.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. Village de Gournah / Luxor, west bank. Gorna village
230.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. Village de Gournah / Luxor, west bank. Gorna village
231.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. Village de Gournah, “La robe de mariée” / Luxor, west bank. Gorna village “The wedding dress”
232.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. Village de Gournah, “premières photos” / Luxor, west bank. Gorna village “first pictures”
233.jpg Louxor, rive ouest. Village de Gournah, "La muse et le buffle" / Luxor, west bank. Gorna village: "the muse and the buffalo"
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